A lovely evening and too many drinks in my local, Bistros des Restos, saw me spend most of Thursday feeling pretty out of it. But a gorgeous day in Brussels had me hankering for a run.

Most people don't recommend running with a hangover because alcohol has a dehydrating effect, and when you feel hungover, what you're actually experiencing is intense dehydration. Not good for running.
I tried to overcome this by drinking A LOT of water during the day, and setting off. Felt terrible, uncoordinated and clumsy but pushed on for almost five miles - you can see the massive, hangover-induced dip in the middle, here:

Ran: 4.9 miles
Time: 44 mins 59 seconds
Pace per mile: 9 mins, ten seconds
Calories: 515
Ate: A LOT: Museli, tomato salad, steak frites, ice cream sundae, thai green curry